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Showing posts from December, 2013

Android Case Studies :

I think there are already tons of tutorial for android and i think i wont add another tutorial because someone already created it and i think its worth reading. Right now I'm just gonna create case studies and find solution using tutorial that already been made out there. So why ? okay i don't really have the specific answer but what I'm trying to create is a standard app for news or blog site. its like CMS for android, maybe not. Its just to make more easy to create other application with similar requirements. This is the screenshot from Google play. I will try to break it down and start to find solution on how to code it. If you see the above screenshot, there's always sticky header on top and a scrollable content on every content they use. There's also slide-in menu if you click left button on header bar. A lot of things we can learn from other developer masterpiece. I just hope I'm not that far from the masterpiece it self. ANDROI