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Learning XCode

I have been learning xcode just to be a backup for my suddenly resigning co-worker. the environmet is pretty complex. its not like any IDE that i have been encounter.

My main target is iPhone or iOS 5. and at the end of november i have to create a shopping cart application that using web/network to populate data.

the challenge in these learning its obviously xCode and Objective-C. Learning new Language that completely different than usual is pretty hard. but the IDE that is XCode is really making everything seems so simple.

I have read few books about developing iphone and ipad application but none of them are very basic. so i turn to Apple web.

it is really resourceful. anyway here is the link

[update on 10-20-2012]

i hate to say this but that top link it isn't very resourceful. i have to look to other great site such as

for several day I've been struggled with networking on iOS. the problem is : i want my app to connect over http to retrieve JSON data, and with some progress bar or loading animation to help user understand that the app is trying to connect to some server.

A few library is coming up after doing some google search. here are the library :

1. FSNetworking
2. AFNetworking
3. ASIHTTPRequest

I've been trying all of the three but ASIHTTPRequest is the only thing that run smoothly after few errors. the other is just error and i don't know how to fix it.

[updated 11-27-2012]

ive notice that i still need a lot to learn. so this is a great site to start learning XCode

[other site will be updated later]


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